im体育APP is committed to supporting its customers in accelerating the adoption of 氢 as a clean energy vector. The company, seeing the importance of  在未来的能源系统, is making the first of a series of investments out of a $10m investment program. This includes new 氢 state-of-the-art testing equipment and expanding its dedicated 氢 team across the globe, extending im体育APP’s market-leading capabilities in this area. 

This substantial investment will enable im体育APP to meet the increasing demand from its customers who are transitioning to cleaner energy solutions and utilizing 氢 throughout various product life cycles and systems. These efforts complement im体育APP's existing services, encompassing areas such as digital modelling and 模拟; support for Carbon Capture Usage & Storage projects (CCUS); the development of aerospace and transportation fuel tanks and systems; and the establishment of pipeline and storage facilities for the energy sector.

To bolster its capabilities, im体育APP has developed specialized static and dynamic 断裂力学 equipment for its laboratories in the UK and 欧洲. This equipment enables 氢 testing at pressures of up to 100barg, 频率低于1Hz, and at cryogenic temperatures of up to -269degC, in a variety of test frame configurations. These capabilities are strategically positioned to serve the UK and 欧洲an market and support global pipeline 基础设施s during the energy transition, to understand 断裂力学 and the impact of 氢. The equipment will be utilized to assess 氢 基础设施 and storage systems under different in-situ temperatures and pressures.

At im体育APP位于英国马尔文的工厂, 11分庭行为 电磁兼容性 (EMC) testing to ensure the seamless operation of complex electronic components in modern vehicles. 最近, im体育APP has upgraded its Large Equipment Chamber with 安全 systems to test 氢-fueled vehicles and other equipment utilizing 氢 as fuel, catering to customers entering this emerging market.

im体育APP's recent acquisition of Filton 系统s Engineering (工程师), an aerospace engineering and testing services business, further enhances and complements these 氢-related offerings. Filton, 由50位专家组成的团队, brings extensive expertise in 气体eous and liquid 氢, supported by a dedicated facility in Kemble, UK, featuring an in-house-designed liquefaction plant. This complements the acquisition of NTS Laboratories in the US last year, which has a dedicated 氢 facility in San Bernardino, California that was previously used to support the space market with fluid flows and liquid 氢.

A dedicated 氢 team has been established at im体育APP, 由燃料电池专家组成, 基础设施, 电解槽, 低温学, 过程, 功能安全. Working across a variety of market sectors for 氢, they are situated to coordinate services across im体育APP's laboratories worldwide. 这支球队, in conjunction with the skills and capabilities of FSE, forms a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be applied to customer projects related to 氢, 碳捕获, and 基础设施 transition – across the full value chain and product life cycles.

Mark Eldridge, Director of 氢 at im体育APP, 说: “As 氢 takes center stage in the global clean energy market, the materials and 基础设施 involved present new challenges and contexts for use. Our recent equipment investments position us as 欧洲's largest capacity for 断裂力学 testing in the 氢 sector, with expertise in 气体eous and cryogenic liquids. With our deep expertise in materials science, 腐蚀, 涂料, 和电化学, 我们提供最先进的测试, 认证, and consulting services for various aspects of 氢-related technologies. Coupled with our significant digital engineering expertise, these services expedite time-to-market, crucial in achieving stringent net-zero targets.”

Safety remains a paramount concern at im体育APP, with a focus on advancing safe 氢-related technologies within this team. This commitment is also evident across the wider im体育APP service offering in physical testing, including engineering critical assessments covering welds, 腐蚀, 涂料, 电化学, 断裂力学, 疲劳测试, 渗透分析, 材料验证. 氢数字化工程, 包括造型, 模拟, 计算流体动力学, 支持这些测试工作.

拥有超过一个世纪的经验, im体育APP has a deep understanding of the ever-evolving testing, 检查, and 认证 requirements within the global energy sector. The company collaborates closely with customers across the supply chain, from design and 安全 to testing and end-use, ensuring that emerging energy solutions meet compliance, 安全, 可持续发展目标, thus driving growth and supporting low-carbon objectives.