Liquid 和 气体 渗透测试 is often performed on polymers, 海豹, 和 other susceptible materials used in the 石油 和 气体 sector. im体育APP’s services are designed to ensure the safety 和 longevity of these materials by measuring permeation coefficient (permeability), diffusion coefficient (diffusivity), 溶解度系数. 

During liquid or 气体 渗透测试, polymers can be tested at pressures up to 10,000 psi (690 bar) 和 temperatures from 20 to +250 ° C, measuring permeability characteristics of deep well components (海豹, 压力障碍, 衬垫, 等.), fuel system components, hydrogen storage tanks, 和 chemical processing infrastructure.


气体 渗透测试 uses sweet 和 酸气es to evaluate coupon samples, 软管, 管, 管道, o型环, 密封元件. We provide testing at temperatures from -20 to 250 °C 和 at pressures up to 690 bar. We commonly test a variety of industry-recognized st和ards, 包括API 17j, ASTM D1434, ISO 2556, 和ISO 4080. Additionally, our experts can create customized permeation tests for O-rings 密封元件. Some of the 气体es we can test include 二氧化碳(CO2), Methane (CH4), Ethane (C2H6), Nitrogen (N2), 和 硫化氢(H2S).


im体育APP has 30 years of experience in testing materials for the 石油 和 气体 industry 和 is now sharing its expertise with other industries looking towards utilizing 氢气(H2). Permeation testing on H2 can provide important knowledge about how much is going to pass through materials, whether decompression cycles are going to compromise structural integrity, 和 how non-metallic materials behave in the long term. im体育APP commonly tests to a variety of industry-recognized st和ards, 包括ASTM D1434, ISO 2782 - 1, ISO 23936, ISO 23936, 和NORSOK M-710. Additionally, our experts conduct testing according to many NACE 和 API-relevant st和ards. We can also integrate several 聚合物测试方法 变成一个单独的测试程序.


im体育APP conducts liquid 渗透测试 with a range of fluids, 包括水, 石油, 溶剂, 卤水, 酒精混合物. Liquid 渗透测试 for 软管, 管, 和 管道 can be performed up to 130 °C, 和 at vapor pressures described in ISO 8308. Custom 渗透测试 is also available for 软管 under pressure up to 300 bar. For rubber sheets 和 flat components, we can reach temperatures of 200 °C using the cup weight-loss method according to SAE J2665, ASTM E96, ASTM D814, Iso 6179 (bs 903-a46), 和ISO 2528.


Functional 和 linear permeation tests on o型环, 密封的im体育APP, 和 管道 are available for both sweet 和 酸气es 和 mixtures. Our 渗透测试 labs can test at temperatures of up to 220 °C 和 pressure of 690 bar according to API 6A, ISO10423-4, API 17 d, as well as client specified conditions. 


im体育APP offers tests characterizing the time required to reach saturation under exposure to a range of liquids at vapor pressure. Mixtures of liquid 和 气体es (up to 1400 bar) are available up to temperatures of 250 °C. Measurements of mass 和 volume relative to exposure time are taken according to ASTM D570.

Additional Liquid 和 气体渗透 服务

Our test capabilities include hydrogen, sweet 和 酸气 渗透测试, as well as liquid 渗透测试 和 analysis of permeated 气体es 和 mixtures. For projects with more challenging requirements, our labs can use 有限元分析(FEA) 和 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model fluid passage through more complex shapes 和 components. 

In addition to well-established industry st和ards, we can work with you to design 和 implement custom test plans, 通常是将几个 聚合物测试方法 变成一个单独的测试程序.  For more information about our service, or to request a quote, 立即im体育APP.

making certain for nearly 190 years


石油 & 气体测试服务

石油 & 气体

im体育APP's global platform of laboratories offers advanced services designed to test 和 qualify materials intended for use within the environments of the future.

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Find out about im体育APPs extensive corrosion testing expertise in the 能源 industry across a global network of laboratories.



im体育APP experts are here to help you with your failure analysis on plastics, 复合材料, 橡胶, 粘合剂, 密封剂, 油漆和涂料.



As im体育APP's  Global Center of Technical Excellence for Polymers,  im体育APP哈特金 has decades of experience providing a comprehensive range of highly specialized services.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.