im体育APP examines the concentrations and composition of Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions (DEEE) to help you reduce exposure to harmful DEE fumes and comply with COSHH regulations, environmental protection and management Act.

What is diesel engine exhaust emission (DEEE)? 

Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions contain many hazardous substances including heavy metals, 有毒气体, 多环芳烃, 氮氧化合物, 颗粒/灰, 挥发性有机化合物的仪器等等. im体育APP can accurately measure and assess the personal exposure risks to these harmful compounds and provide expert bespoke advice on control measures.


How are diesel engine emissions measured?

The general principle of measuring airborne substances is via active sampling using battery-powered pumps attached to individuals or in static locations.  Known volumes of air are drawn through sample media (filters, 吸着剂管, or impinger solutions) positioned in the individual’s breathing zone or for background measurements fixed in static locations. 

We can also perform passive sampling if required and direct reading calibrated handheld analyzers for immediate results. Depending on the analysis required the sample media will undergo subsequent laboratory analysis. 

Detailed interpretative reports will be issued following the site visit and include:

  • Executive summary of the workplace air monitoring project
  • 现场观察
  • 药物毒性
  • Comparison of results with UK Workplace Exposure Limits or recognized international standards
  • 讨论与结论
  • Recommendations for remedial action and recognized good industrial practice

All reports are in accordance with our ISO 9001 Quality Management 系统 and peer-reviewed by an experienced and qualified team member.


Our diesel engine exhaust emission (DEEE) capabilities 

im体育APP provides a full range of emissions advisory, testing and training 服务 for your DEEE testing needs:

We support clients across many industries that require employees to work in locations where they could be exposed to DEEE, 比如火车站和铁路, 汽车车库, 公交车站, 仓库, 渡轮, 收费站, 停车场, 还有消防站.

除了我们在英国的实验室, sampling and analyses of a range of parameters in accordance with US-EPA (United States – 环境 Protection Agency) methods can be performed from our Singapore based laboratories.



im体育APP’s UKAS ISO 17025-accredited laboratories can perform independent and specific air tests, 针对DEEE, 多环芳烃, and other potentially harmful products of vehicle combustion.

We have over 20 years of experience in this sector and BOHS Module W501 Measurement of Hazardous Substances and Module W505 Control of Hazardous Substances qualifications. 

我们的高素质 职业卫生法规 会和你一起准备工作吗 COSHH风险评估 and develop solutions that will help reduce specific exposure in the workplace. 


For more information about our diesel engine exhaust emissions or to request a quote, please 立即im体育APP.


How harmful are diesel engine exhaust emissions?

Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions are considered one of today’s primary polluting issues, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) classifying them as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). Long-term exposure can lead to an increased risk for lung and bladder cancer, whilst exposure for a brief period can cause lung irritations and/or allergic reactions.

What are the emissions from a diesel engine?

The composition of DEEEs will depend on the type and condition of the engine, 燃料规格, 引擎上的工作量/需求, 以及发动机温度. 还有微粒, vehicle combustion can produce significant pollutants in the form of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (多环芳烃), 二氧化碳(CO), 一氧化碳, 氮氧化物, 二氧化硫, 和其他碳氢化合物.

Workplace Monitoring and Assessments

An Introductory Guide to 职业卫生

A healthy bottom-line is directly linked to a healthy workforce. Download our reference guide to understanding each aspect of occupational hygiene in the workplace.





Find out how our qualified occupational hygienists can assess indoor air quality looking at chemical, 物理, and biological parameters to help our customers comply with regulations.



Learn about asbestos air testing and ensuring compliance for the requirements of asbestos removal or remediation.



im体育APP's experts have years of experience in carrying out on-site noise assessments. All assessments undertaken by our experts are qualified through the Institute of Acoustics and BOHS, in accordance with the UK HSE guidance L108 "Controlling Noise at Work."



im体育APP’s highly experienced team of qualified occupational hygienists specializes in delivering a range of workplace air monitoring 服务 for use within a diverse range of operating environments.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.