土壤无聊 tests are a crucial first step to any construction project. 土壤无聊 testing provides an informed foundation and structure design, contributing to your project's cost-effective and safe approach.

土壤无聊, also called geotechnical boring, is a technique used to investigate and determine soil composition and conditions at a site where construction is planned. 土壤无聊 companies like im体育APP collect and provide expert analysis of soil samples, creating the foundational knowledge for the project that informs structure design.

im体育APP is among the most trusted geotechnical drilling companies in North America and Singapore, we are fully accredited to provide soil boring and analysis for a huge range of projects. Our geotechnical engineers use trucks, ATVs or track-mounted geotechnical drilling rigs to collect samples for our tests and generate a subsurface profile that measures your soil's engineering properties, restrictive soil layers, infiltration levels 和更多的.


土壤无聊 testing and investigation services

  • 程序开发
  • Geotechnical Evaluation & 现场勘查
  • Geotechnical Investigation Site Reconnaissance
  • Field and Land 测试
  • 建设 Quality Control 测试
  • 环境 Engineering
  • Foundation and Pavement Design Expansive/Collapsing Soils
  • Settlement and Subsidence Analysis 
  • Soil 测试 for 建设 
  • Field Permeability 测试 
  • Underpinning and Special Foundations
  • Laboratory Soil 测试
  • Marine Soil Investigations
  • 板载试验
  • 地球物理调查
  • Advanced In-Situ Tests



The plate load test determines the load capacity of soil and likely settlement under a given load. It requires digging the ground to a given depth of the foundation level, applying a load on a steel plate, and recording the soil response. Our plate test is SAC-SINGLAS accredited to the BS 1377 test standard.



im体育APP offers geotechnical boring testing services for manufacturers in construction, 矿业, 制造业, 海洋, 和更多的. From routine classification to complex soil and strength analysis, we can support your project scope on-site or in one of our accredited laboratories.   

We are accredited to AASHTO, AMRL, CCRL, 国际刑事法庭, SAC-SINGLAS, and other applicable State and private agencies.

To learn more about im体育APP's soil boring testing, please contact our experts today.


Marine soil boring project, exploratory boreholes and soil sampling.

Soil Boring at Jurong Channel Power Gas

Drilling a total of six exploratory boreholes, including standard penetration tests with soil sampling at 1.0米间隔. Conducting laboratory tests on soil and rock samples.

Coring rock using vertical and inclined boreholes.

Feasibility Study for Underground Facilities

The project required coring 200+ meters into rock, vertical and inclined boreholes to determine the geological information of the substrata.

  • 程序开发
  • Geotechnical Evaluation & 现场勘查
  • Geotechnical Investigation Site Reconnaissance
  • Field and Land 测试
  • 建设 Quality Control 测试
  • 环境 Engineering
  • Foundation and Pavement Design Expansive/Collapsing Soils
  • Settlement and Subsidence Analysis 
  • Field Permeability 测试 
  • Underpinning and Special Foundations

Ready to request a quote?

Our deliverable is certainty - high quality data, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. Engage with an expert today.

making certain for nearly 190 years


Geotechnical Services

Learn more about im体育APP's wide range of high-quality geotechnical engineering and testing services for the public, 商业, 私营部门.

building performance testing

Building Performance 测试

im体育APP's building performance testing services include fenestration testing, wall system and air barrier testing, performance testing and evaluations of building systems including HVAC.

Building Materials 测试

Building Materials 测试

im体育APP offers a complete set of building materials testing to ensure the materials are safe in their application, compliant and ultimately fit for purpose.

Woman in testing laboratory

环境 测试

Find out how we apply our 90 years of experience to help our customers to consistently meet the increasingly complex environmental obligations they face in the Americas, 欧洲 and the Middle East.
