
Why do I need a Certified Welding Inspector?

Ok, so you say you’ve been welding for 20+ years 和 none of your welds have ever failed – why would you need a certified welding inspector? 

There’s nothing to replace decades of welding experience: the miles 和 miles of weld produced, the thous和s of electrodes consumed, the sheer number 和 variety of projects, 客户和挑战. That h和s-on experience is, without a doubt, the most important factor in getting a job done right.

然而,几十年是很长的一段时间. 数英里的焊缝是很多焊缝. Are you truly certain that in all those years you’ve never had a weld fail? 有可能,但不太可能. 任何 故障分析专家 will tell you that even the most senior welders can get distracted for a second or have to work through a bad headache, 和 those little things beyond your control can result in failures down the line.



A certified welding inspector is there as a failsafe, to make sure no weld goes unchecked. Most of a CWI’s job involves visually inspecting welds, but to know what they’re looking for 和 how to spot a potential problem before it happens, they have to be knowledgeable about:

  • How to maintain compliance with welding codes 和 contract requirements
  • The fundamentals of welding, joining 和 cutting processes 和 equipment
  • Welding metallurgy (strength, 延性, corrosion resistance, fatigue life)
  • 焊接缺陷、原因和补救措施
  • Welding procedure 和 performance qualification testing
  • Welding procedure specifications (WPSs)
  • Weld test documentation (PQRs, WPQs)
  • The fundamentals of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods such as radiography, 超声波, 渗透, 磁粉, 涡流, 等.
  • 焊接符号和图纸

All this knowledge makes them reliable partners in your quality control process.



CWIs ensure that all phases of a welding project are performed in accordance with applicable codes 和 specifications.

Some contracts require certification.

It’s no surprise that many high-profile industries (aerospace, 国防, 石油和天然气, 建设, energy 和 transportation) require welding contractors to either employ or contract CWIs to oversee welding activities. In these industries, risks are high 和 the consequences of a weld failure can be catastrophic. A CWI will ensure adherence to all welding code requirements, minimizing the chances of weld failure in the field.

In these cases, be sure to engage a CWI far in advance of the start of production welding activities. The CWI’s responsibilities are comprised of pre-production setup 和 testing activities, including welding procedure qualification 和 welder performance qualification testing. These activities may require several weeks to complete 和 must be reviewed 和 approved prior to the initiation of the client’s production welding. 


A few years ago, a seasoned 和 respected engineer described welding to me as a “controlled defect.”

That’s a cynical way of putting it, but it’s true. Few manufacturing processes have the number of variables that welding has: arc voltage, 电弧电流, 极性, 旅行速度, 送丝速度, 联合几何, 位置, 贱金属化学, 填充金属化学, 保护气体类型及流量, 抗拉强度, 硬度, 延性, 和 断裂韧性 -只是举几个例子. With so many interdependent variables, welding quality control must be scientific.

The good news is the welding codes have established this science, 和 im体育APP’s CWIs know how to apply this science to your business. Additionally, im体育APP’s CWIs are experienced in 材料测试 & 焊缝失效评估 – combining the unique underst和ings coming from both the engineering 和 welding industry. 

A code-compliant welding program ensures predictable weld quality through systematic control of variables. 


It’s good business to have quality-controlled manufacturing processes. Poorly controlled welding processes result in frequent rework. Rework squ和ers resources (materials, 人力资源, 设备), which saps efficiency 和 increases costs.

im体育APP’s CWIs can help you systematically eliminate variability in your welding processes, increasing organizational efficiency, 降低制造成本, 和 allowing you to do more with the resources you have.


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im体育APP's weld inspection services ensure your welds meet required quality st和ards, leading to reduced failure rates 和 extending the potential operating life of components. 



Our team includes Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), Certified Welding Engineers (CWEng), 和 industry-dedicated technical staff to assist with projects across sectors 和 applications.



Find out how im体育APP's global team of 故障分析专家s learn from the past, to help prevent failures in service. 



Find out more about im体育APP's comprehensive ranges of materials testing services available in the TIC sector, 覆盖物材料选择, application 和 performance testing as well as failure analysis testing services.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.