
Understanding EMC Immunity 测试 and Performance Criteria

By Engaged Expert


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詹姆斯·丹尼尔斯是im体育APP在英国的Connected Technologies业务总经理, currently responsible for Operations in our Hull, 科梅达, 莫尔文, Wimborne and Oxford laboratories.

成功的 EMC (电磁兼容性)测试取决于对测试过程和确定合规性的性能标准的理解. im体育APP Expert 詹姆斯·丹尼尔斯 delves into the basics of EMC immunity testing, alongside an exploration of Performance Criteria A, B, 和C, and why your devices need to comply with these performance criteria.


What is EMC immunity testing?

抗扰度测试评估设备在电磁干扰(EMI)存在下正常工作的能力。. 当测试抗扰度时,一些测试将使用连续(通常是调制)波,而其他测试将涉及非常短的爆发(瞬态)现象. 根据您要测试的免疫类型,通常适用一系列测试. These include radiated radio frequency, magnetic field, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) conducted radio frequency, electrical fast transients (EFT), 激增, and voltage dips/interruptions.

Exploring 7 Types of EMC Immunity 测试

There are several types of EMC immunity testing, each focusing on specific aspects of electromagnetic interference. Here are the 7 most common types:

  • Electrical Fast Transient 测试 (EFT): Evaluates device immunity to sudden, high-energy electrical disturbances, mimicking lightning strikes or switching transients.
  • Radiated Immunity: Assesses device resilience to external electromagnetic radiation, such as radio transmitters or mobile phones.
  • Conducted Immunity 测试: 确定设备对电源线和信号线电磁干扰的抵抗能力.
  • Voltage Drop 测试: 在电压波动和电源中断时测试设备的可靠性.
  • ESD测试: 通过控制放电来评估器件对静电放电的敏感性.
  • EFT测试: Assesses device response to short-duration bursts of high-voltage pulses, simulating electrical disturbances.
  • Magnetic Field Immunity 测试: 测量设备对来自电力线或电动机等源的磁场的弹性.
EMC immunity test types for EMC performance testing.
EMC immunity test types for performance testing devices and products.

Performance criteria for EMC immunity testing 

在欧盟(EU)商业标准测试的背景下, 您的设备必须符合以下总结的一般性能标准之一, as outlined by standards such as IEC 61000-6-1. 这些标准在评估电子设备在EMC测试期间和之后的性能方面起着至关重要的作用, 提供了它们对电磁干扰的恢复能力的基本见解. 遵守这些标准可确保产品符合欧盟规定的法规要求, facilitating market access and enhancing product reliability and acceptance.

Performance criteria A


标准A意味着你们的产品性能正常,并且符合产品手册中通常列出的规格, both during and after the test.


Performance criteria B

No degradation of performance or loss of function is allowed, 当设备按预期使用时,在应用低于制造商规定的性能水平(或用户合理期望的性能水平)的现象之后.

标准B是指产品可能暂时丧失功能或性能下降,但在测试结束后, recovers to its normal performance without operator intervention.


Performance criteria C

During and after testing, a temporary loss of function is allowed, 前提是该功能是自恢复的,或者可以通过操作控制器或根据制造商的说明由用户将电源循环到EUT来恢复. 

标准C与B类似,但测试包括操作员干预的允许. 例如,这可能意味着您需要重新打开设备以恢复正常性能.

您需要应用的这三个性能标准中的哪一个取决于适用于您特定产品的测试标准, and differs for each of the immunity tests.



  • Regulatory Compliance满足这些标准是遵守协调标准的重要组成部分, 而这又通常被认为是证明符合适用法例的基本规定的最佳方式. 这种一致性通常是欧盟和其他地区的法律要求, ensuring devices remain operational despite electromagnetic disturbances, as mandated by legislation like the EMC Directive, and the corresponding UK EMC Regulation.
  • Market Access: Compliance facilitates market access , allowing products to be sold and distributed without regulatory barriers.
  • 产品 Reliability: 满足标准表明具有较高的可靠性和抗电磁干扰的鲁棒性, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing returns and warranty claims.
  • 安全: 合规性确保设备即使在存在电磁干扰的情况下也对用户保持安全, preventing potential hazards or malfunctions.
  • 节约成本: 在设计和测试阶段早期确保遵从性可以节省与返工相关的成本, 重新设计, 或由于产品生命周期后期发现的emc相关问题而召回产品.


电磁兼容抗扰度测试是评估电子设备电磁兼容性、保证电子设备在各种环境下的可靠性和性能的重要手段. By comprehensively understanding the testing process, including emissions and immunity testing, 并遵守IEC 61000-6-1等标准中概述的性能标准, 制造商可以实现合规,提高其产品的市场竞争力. im体育APP在美国和英国的EMC测试实验室获得了NVLAP的认可和批准, A2LA, 和UKAS, as well as ISO 9001:2008. We are also a Notified Body in respect to the EMC Directive, and an Approved Body in respect to the UK EMC Regulation.

If you would like to find out more about EMC testing and certification 或向im体育APP的专职专家咨询您的EMC测试要求, im体育APP 今天.



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Understanding EMC directive harmonized standards 

EMC指令,以及相关的协调标准,要求电气 & electronic equipment manufacturers to meet regulatory requirements.


Have you tested your product for EMC?

CE EMC testing helps to determine compliance with the EMC directive & provides you with confidence when exporting products worldwide.


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