
How To Achieve FCC Approval for Wireless Radio 产品s

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is responsible for regulating the radiation standards of electronic devices. They make sure 广播 devices are not radiating at frequencies that cause harm and interference to the surrounding environment, 设备, 和人民. FCC批准 for wireless devices can be obtained through two approaches, 体系认证, 模块化审批.





系统 approval refers to traditional approval for 设备 containing a 广播 transmitter. 它包括天线, 外壳, 广播, 电力供应, 和电子产品, and certification is required for each unique combination of 广播(s). Approval involves a single certification for the whole device, 如果进行了改编, the device will have to go through the entire approval process again. As technology changes and products evolve, this approval process can create a lot of additional and unnecessary costs when it is time to make changes. 

Multiple 广播s within the same host are allowed and can be covered by a single Grant of operation, so long as they are all pursued at the time of initial certification. 如果增加或删除无线电, the host device will have to go through the entire accreditation process again and obtain a new FCC ID number. 



Modular approval, on the other hand, is limited to the 广播 module. The module must be tested in a standalone configuration and, 一次验证, can be installed into another system without having to obtain new authorization. The 广播 module can then be incorporated into another product, such as a personal computer. 


  • Modular approvals operate in either a single-modular transmitter or a limited single-modular transmitter. Detailed guidance from the FCC is available on the FCC's Knowledge Database under FCC KDB 996369.
  • Modular approval can help manufacturers to reduce costs, 节省时间, and establish a standard 广播 interface across multiple host devices. It also reduces the number and complexity of future 第二类允许变更. 如果FCC批准条件得到满足, and the OEM/integration instructions are followed, then the 广播 module can be used inside of the host device without any additional certifications and minimal testing.


Integration of a previously certified 广播 module into a host device

As per section 2 of the KDB (below), the FCC strongly recommends that the host manufacturer accounts for FCC compliance for the Equipment Under Test (EUT) related to the digital circuitry AND the intentional requirements when module(s) are integrated into the host product.

节选自 FCC KDB 996369 D04 Module Integration Guide v01:

"Leveraging the certification of a modular transmitter has the advantage of reducing subsequent FCC filing requirements, but there are limitations on host product manufacturers in making modifications or changes to the modular transmitter and the types of antennas that can be used in final products. Host product manufacturers are responsible to follow the integration guidance and performing a limited set of transmitter module verification testing, to ensure the end product is in compliance with the FCC rules. 也, host product manufacturers are responsible for all additional 设备 authorization and testing for technical requirements not covered by the module grant (e.g., unintentional radiator Part 15 Subpart B requirements, or transmitters used in the host that are not certified modules)."


FCC批准 for multiple 广播 modules in one host

FCC批准 can also be granted to numerous 广播 products within a single host. 所有模块必须提交测试数据, including wireless compliance for simultaneous transmission configuration, and the modules must have a unique FCC ID.



im体育APP的 无线专家 can support you through the certification process for many key regulatory certifications. Our FCC-accredited labs provide rapid and effective testing to help you bring your products to the market.

im体育APP for more information on FCC批准 for system and modular devices. 

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making certain for nearly 190 years




im体育APP, we test thousands of products every year, having one of the largest capacities for electromagnetic (EMC) testing of commercial and industrial electronic devices.



im体育APP offers wireless and 广播 certification services for FCC for USA, 加拿大ISED, CE marking for 欧洲 and MIC for Japan.



We work with everyone from Chipset Vendors to those integrating 广播 modules to enable you to deliver your wireless 广播 products to market.

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im体育APP TCB provides FCC certification services of your wireless devices for entry into the United States market.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.