Element在EMI和EMC测试、合规和认证方面是公认的领导者. 我们提供经认证的电磁兼容服务, 帮助您满足法规要求, 并通过我们的全球实验室提高产品和设备的性能和安全性.

我们的实验室网络为您提供测试程序支持,提供全方位的认证和验证服务,以满足您独特的测试需求. 我们为广泛的关键im体育平台app下载提供EMC和EMI测试, 通过美国一些最大的测试设施交付, UK, and Germany.


What is EMC testing?

Electromagnetic capability testing, known as EMC testing, 测量电子设备的能力, product, 或设备在其电磁环境中没有无法忍受的电磁干扰而令人满意地工作. You can demonstrate EMC compliance 当设备测试成功且满足目标市场的EMC要求时, which leads to EMC certification.


Is EMC testing mandatory?

It is essential to test your products to ensure they meet the regulatory requirements; EMC certification is a mandatory requirement for a number of global markets. 除了产品安全与无线共存外,还要考虑 EMC principles 在产品开发周期的早期阶段将有助于提高性能, reduce the risk of redesign, and mitigate unnecessary costs.


EMC testing solutions

我们的EMC测试涵盖范围广泛的产品,从小型可穿戴技术和植入式设备到大型资本项目甚至现场安装. 帮助所有im体育平台app下载更快地将产品推向市场, 包括不允许失败的医疗或汽车im体育平台app下载.


EMC testing services


  • EMC advice and guidance
  • Pre-test capabilities
  • EMC pre-compliance testing
  • Wireless testing
  • Global approvals and certifications
  • EMI & EMC standards
  • EMC calibration
  • EMC test reports
  • EMI & EMC certification
  • Global market access

EMC testing methods

  • Radiated and magnetic susceptibility
  • Radiated and conducted emissions
  • Radiated Immunity
  • EMC RF Emission
  • Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
  • EMI/EMC Shielding Effectiveness
  • EMC compliance testing
  • EMC pre-compliance testing
  • FCC compliance testing
  • Lightning testing

Our EMC test facilities and standards

元件实验室和EMC测试设施通过了ISO/IEC 17025(由UKAS认证), NVLAP, A2LA, or DAkkS), 以及欧洲EMC指令的公告机构, 英国EMC法规批准机构, Conformity Assessment Body for the FCC, and many other regulatory authorities. 我们很荣幸被任命为技术服务 Vehicle Certification Agency.


The Element advantage

我们的EMC专家在极具竞争力的时间框架内为您提供完整的方案, 帮助您满足项目要求和截止日期. 从最初的概念到整个开发周期, Element与制造商合作, to enable faster global market access,成功发布,并在全球范围内采用.

有关我们EMC测试服务的更多信息,或要求报价,请 contact us today.


电磁兼容性(EMC)和电磁干扰(EMI)意味着不同的东西,在讨论电子和电气产品的监管测试和合规性时经常被提及. However, while they might be closely related, 重要的是要理解EMC和EMI不是一回事...

What is the EMC directive 2014/30/eu

EMC指令2014/30/EU的官方期刊列出了提供合规性推定的协调标准. 制造商必须确保他们的产品符合这些新版本,以继续遵守基本要求.


EMC指令,以及相关的协调标准,要求电气 & 满足电子设备制造商的法规要求.


Your EMC checklist and test plan 

Are you ready for EMC testing? 请阅读我们的EMC测试计划和8点检查表,以帮助制造商, product designers, 工程师准备他们的产品进行EMC测试.


Understanding EMC risk assessments 

EMC风险评估是分析的组合 & 评估与产品相关的潜在电磁危害 & environment.


EMC compliance testing criteria guide

根据欧盟商用EMC标准进行测试时, 您的设备必须符合以下三个一般总结性能标准之一,B, or C for EMC compliance.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.